Efficacy and tolerability of eribulin mesylate in the treatment of anthracycline and taksan resistance to metastatic breast cancer. Single central experience
Antrasiklin ve taksan rezistant metastatik meme kanseri tedavisinde eribulin mesilat etkinlik ve tolerabilitesi. Tek merkez deneyimi

Çağlayan Geredeli 1 *

Ortadogu Tıp Derg, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp. 10-14



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Aim: The microtubule inhibitor eribulin mesylate anthracycline and taxane resistance have been accepted for use in patients with metastatic breast cancer. The goal is to investigate the efficacy of eribulin mesylate.
Material and Methods: Retrospective study was carried out in Istanbul Okmeydanı educational and research hospital medical oncology clinic patients who were treated for metastatic breast cancer and who had received at least 2 serial chemotherapy including anthracycline and taksan.
Results: A total of 25 patients were included in the study. Median age was 54.9 (range 36-73). Median follow-up time is 11.6 months. 68% of the patients were ER positive, 68% were Pr positive, 8.3% were HER2 positive and 6.2% were triple negative. 78% of the patients had liver, 64% had bone, and 36% had lung metastases. The treatement line number was 4.4 (min3-max6). The number of cycles of Eribulin was 6.6 (min 1-max 33). Median PFS is 6.6 (0-26) months and median OS is 17 (0-30). There were 8% complete response (2 patients), 12% (3 patients) partial response, 52% (13 patients) stable response and 28% (7 patients) progressive disease. there was no difference in survival according to patients' hormone receptor status and HER2 status (P = 0.187). There was no difference in survival according to the metastatic sites in the patients (P = 0.875). Grade 3 to 4 hematologic toxicity in 12% (3 patients) and grade 3-4 neuropathy in 4% (1 patient) in the patient,40% (10 patients) grade 1-2 hematologic toxicity in the patient, grade 1-2 neuropathies were seen
Conclusion: Eribulin mesylate have been found to be effective and tolerable in line 3 and more than subsequent line in the treatment of patients with metastatic breast cancer who anthracycline and taksan resistance and previously received multiple line chemotherapy.


Amaç: Mikrotübül inhibitörü olan eribulin mesilat antrasiklin ve taksana rezistant metastatik meme kanserli hastalarda kullanımı kabul edilmiştir. Amaç eribulin mesilatın etkinliğini araştırmak.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Retrospektif çalışmada İstanbul Okmeydanı eğitim ve araştırma hastanesi tıbbi onkoloji kliniğinde metastatik meme kanseri nedeniyle tedavi görmekte olan ve öncesinde antrasiklin ve taksan dahil olmak üzere en az 2 seri kemoterapi almış olan hastalar alındı.
Bulgular: Çalışmaya toplam 25 hasta alındı. Median yaş 54,9 (range 36-73) idi. median takip süresi 11.6 aydı. Hastaların %68 ER pozitif, %68 Pr pozitif, %8,3 HER2 pozitif ve %6,2 triple negatifti. Hastalardan %78 inde karaciğer, %64 ünde kemik,%36sında akciğer metastazı mevcuttu. Eribuli seri sayısı 4,4 (min3-max6) idi. Eribulin kür sayısı 6,6 (min 1-max 33) idi. Median PFS 6,6 (0-26) ay olup median OS 17 (0-30) aydı. %8 inde tam yanıt (2 hasta), %12 (3hasta) sinde parsiyel yanıt,%52 (13 hasta) stabil yanıt ve %28 (7 hasta ) progresif hastalık mevcuttu. Hastaların hormon reseptör durumu ve HER2 durumuna göre sağ kalımda farklılık yoktu(P=0,187). Hastalardaki metastaz bölgelerine göre de sağ kalım da farklılık tespit edilmedi(P=0,875). %12 (3 hasta) hastada grade 3-4 hematolojik toksisite ve %4( 1 hasta )hastada grade 3-4 nöropati görülmüşken %40 (10 hasta ) hastada grade 1-2 hematolojik toksisite, %24 (6hasta ) hastada grade 1-2 nöropati görülmüştür.
Sonuç: Eribulin mesilat antrasiklin ve taksan rezistans önceden çoklu seri kemoterapi almış metastatik meme kanserli hastaların tedavisinde 3. Seri ve daha sonraki serilerde etkin ve tolerabl bulunmuştur.



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